Coming off of their Australia / New Zealand run, The Red Hot Chili Peppers will be playing live at the Giza Pyramids in Egypt this Friday. For those of us unable to make it to The Pyramids this weekend, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have a special treat planned. This Friday’s show will stream for free on nugs.tv!
This will be the first time a concert is webcast live from The Pyramids and the band couldn’t be more excited. The Pepper’s founding member and bassist, Flea, expressed his excitement in a recent Instagram post.
“I remember the first time the red hots played outside of la in 1983, I was beyond thrilled. We drove up to San Francisco and performed at I-Beam club. Man, we were international touring superstars I couldn’t believe it and it meant everything me to show those people in Northern California what we were about, to pour my heart out, for us to give every fiber of our beings in the process of bringing our music to life….. Then when we first went to Europe and my mind was blown, all the different cultures, connecting with people who didn’t speak English! And then Russia, and Asia and on and on around the world. Before each new place my body tingled with excitement, a yearning for a new mystery to unfold, a fascination with a new culture, the possibility of new friends, tasting new food, smelling new tastes, absorbing new rhythms. Learning. Learning. Learning. It is happening again right now, my heart is abuzz with joy at the prospect of performing in Egypt. I’m so grateful and humbled for the impending experience.”
To celebrate this historic show we are releasing nine new live shows from the band’s recent Australia / New Zealand tour for purchase today at nugs.net. These shows are packed with high energy and some awesome surprises including the first live inclusion of the 2003 single “Fortune Faded” in nearly 12 years. While in Australia, the band also paid tribute to Aussie legends, the Divinyls.